Scott Koegler
Is Your Board of Directors Taking Their Tasks Seriously?
- Monday, 11 April 2022
In most cases and in many cultures, boards of directors are the key representative of the stakeholders within organizations. They help them validate their financial results, protect assets, counsel the leadership on the strategy, find leaders, and hire new staff. Furthermore, they steer the organization towards a brighter, sustainable future by developing sound and ethical governance and financial management policies. For nonprofits, they ensure that there are adequate resources for advancing their mission. With all these roles, boards of directors have demanding responsibility that requires them to learn more about the organization and their operations so that they can advise the executives and know the company's mission and vision and how they can be achieved.
Read more...Keep Those Employees
- Monday, 11 April 2022
Employee retention is the greatest challenge to nonprofits. In a sector where everything revolves around volunteers and donations, there is concern about costs, which raises the problem of high employee turnover. A 2019 report by Bloomerang titled State of the Nonprofit Workplace indicated that nonprofits’ turnover rate is 19% on average. With the challenges stemming from high employee turnover in nonprofits, a flexible working arrangement can help you get more from your staff. Additionally, meeting the challenges caused by high turnover require efforts from many fronts, including investment in leadership capacity, changing reward structure and expanding recruiting horizons to attract more talent. Here are a few ways to help you get the most from your employees.
Read more...Get More From Your Employees
- Monday, 04 April 2022
Employees are a critical part of any organization. Without the right employees and in the absence of motivation, they are likely to perform dismally, and the vision and mission of your organization might suffer. For nonprofits, employee retention should be an important area of focus. In a sector where high operating costs can affect the delivery of service, high employee turnover could affect operations. A 2019 State of the Nonprofit Workplace report by Bloomerang shows that the nonprofits turnover rate stood at an average of 19%. According to the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, high turnover is not just the amount associated with the staff entering and leaving.
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Feb 16 2009
Written by Kurt Martin
Jul 22 2016
Written by Jennifer Flaten
Sep 12 2013
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Jun 25 2010
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