
Reviews (179)

Review: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Nonrofits

Software like a CRM (customer relationship management) allow charities to automate otherwise manual tasks so the organization can focus less on managing their nonprofit and more time giving back to their community. Because every nonprofits’ needs are different - there are numerous CRMs to choose from including Microsoft’s offering, Dynamics 365 (D365) which includes many different applications that integrate with D365 that nonprofits can utilize. 


Review: Zeffy

Nonprofits have many online fundraising platforms to choose from - most notably Gofundme. While relatively new, Zeffy has been making waves for being the only zero-free fundraising software - covering platform, credit card, and transaction fees. 


Review: Fundraise

Fundraising is essential to the survival of nonprofits, regardless of whether they are run by volunteers or employ a large workforce. Therefore, it’s important that their fundraising platform they employ is efficient and inexpensive so the funds they raise can reach their constituents. Funraise, is a digital fundraising platform that helps charities raise funds easier.


Review: Donately

Donately, a fundraising software was created to help nonprofits get the most out of their donation pages. By combining the ability to create unique donation pages and customize donation forms – Donately is enabling thousands of nonprofit organizations to “spend less time managing donations” and more time helping their constituents.


Review: Springly

If you’re a nonprofit looking to consolidate all of your software into one platform that has everything you need to run a successful charity – Springly, may be the software for you. It’s an all-in-one membership platform that aids nonprofit organizations with tools and features dedicated to accounting, donations, email automation and event management.


Review: SalsaLabs

Tracking donor relationships, managing volunteers, and keeping track of fundraising efforts on excel may work for new charities who are just starting out. As nonprofits grow, they need a robust CRM and fundraising platform that can grow with them.


Review: Hivebrite

An online community platform, Hivebrite services the education, alumni & nonprofit sectors. Nonprofits benefit from a community platform since they rely on their volunteers and community to reach their constituents. Through content management, events, and data analytics - platforms like Hivebrite make it easier for charities to communicate with both their donors and volunteers.


Review: Blackthorn.io

Coming onto the scene in 2015, Blackthorn.io became a Salesforce partner in 2016. As a native app - Blackthorn’s technology sits on top of Salesforce creating a seamless, secure connection. Salesforce users who utilize any native app like Blackthorn can rely on real time and accurate reporting with no integration with Salesforce needed since native apps were created in Salesforce specifically for Salesforce users.


Review: Golden

Combining different tools and technologies, Golden, a volunteer management software empowers nonprofit organizations to manage volunteer activities from the creation of the event to the execution, and finally to reporting statistics and analyzing data through various automation capabilities and integrations.


Review: Ticket Tailor

In person events have slowly made a comeback as organizations opt for in-person events versus the virtual events we’ve seen for the past few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As the number of events increase – nonprofit organizations need a way to sell, keep track-of and report on ticket sales. Ticket Tailor, an event ticketing platform enables businesses and charities to sell tickets to events, galas, auctions, and webinars through their website.


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