Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Chat Bots

Chatbots are a great way to increase your staff without increasing your payroll. Chatbots are simply software that interacts via speech or text and uses algorithms to determine what the user wants/needs.  Adding a chat bot can help you increase donations, awareness and engagement. 



One of the biggest risks to the cyber security of your organization is, sadly, your own employees or volunteers. From easy to guess passwords, or passwords stored on a sticky note stuck to the computer to falling for a sophisticated phishing scam. There are many ways your staff can give cyber criminals access to your data. 


Other Social Media Platforms for Nonprofits

Facebook is the dominant social media platform. Nonprofits flocked to the site because of its ease of use and the fact that “everyone is on it. However, Facebook’s relentless tweaking of its algorithms and its profit driven approach makes it is a challenge for anyone, let alone nonprofits to be seen on the platform. Sure, you can “boost” your posts,  but unless you have a larger advertising budget a $5 boost won’t broaden your reach by that much. 


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