Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Great Ideas for Your Holiday Nonprofit Fundraising

Holidays are always a time to have fun and participate in an activity you believe in. During such a time, many people choose to participate in charity. As a volunteer, giving is better than receiving during this time of the year. Since most people purchase gifts and would be willing to give back during this season, it gives you a chance to boost your end-year fundraising. However, this can only succeed in an environment with a good fundraising plan. Here are great ideas for your holiday nonprofit fundraising to help you plan.


You're Ready to Start Your Nonprofit if You Have Covered These 5 Issues

Starting a nonprofit is one way you can give back to your community and help people in need. However, the process is not always straightforward as many people might think. As such, it is important that people understand all the steps involved before moving ahead. While some may think starting a nonprofit is simple, it may take years of effort and determination. Most nonprofits do not know the right time to implement an expansion plan or even how they should create a growth strategy to achieve their goals. The question is, when do you know that you are ready to start a nonprofit? As explained in this article, you are ready to start a nonprofit if you have covered these five issues.


Ask Yourself These Questions Before Starting Your Nonprofit

Starting a nonprofit is a noble idea and is often done by brave and selfless individuals. Sadly, most people start nonprofits without fully understanding what they are getting into. While starting these organizations might be due to good intentions, intentions alone cannot help you achieve your goals and fulfil your mission. Rather, it would be best if you did more digging deeper and developed sound strategies that will allow you to achieve your targets. Ask yourselves these questions before starting your nonprofit organization, regardless of the group of people you want to serve or the mission you want to achieve.


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