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Award To Draw Out Creative and Sustainable Revenue Ideas from Nonprofits

Submissions are now being accepted for the fifth annual Eide Bailly Resourcefullness Awards, which recognize outstanding nonprofit revenue generation initiatives with a $10,000 award and two $2,500 awards given in four states – Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, and Utah.

Beyond recognizing creative and sustainable financial impact with cash prizes, the award application process also allows for collecting data about both the traditional and novel revenue generation practices that nonprofits are successfully utilizing.

“Our goal with the Resourcefullness Award is to not just recognize nonprofits who make an amazing financial impact through revenue generation, but also help other nonprofits do the same thing,” said Kim Hunwardsen, a partner in Eide Bailly’s nonprofit group. “The ability to share best practices and help other nonprofits create their own ideas for revenue generation is what makes this award so valuable for us.”

To ensure fairness, independent judges who are well-respected in the nonprofit community will review and score finalists in each state. Learn more about them here.

Award recipients will be announced on Nov. 9.
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