Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Choosing Your Keywords

keywordsa 150x91Have you optimized your organization's web site for search engine results? Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of setting up your web site and allows people to find you without directly typing your URL into the address bar of their browser. Basically, when they go to Google or another search engine and type in what they're looking for, say a nonprofit organization serving your clientele in your city, you want your web site to be one of the first that comes up in their search results pages.


Software Review - Three Rivers Systems’ CAMS Enterprise

softwarereview-150Three Rivers Systems' CAMS Enterprise is a full-service technology solution for higher education institutions that are looking to streamline their systems and bring their administration technology up to speed. While so much of today's higher-ed technology is rooted in very old systems, CAMS feels that their totally modernized approach is the direction the industry is headed. The numbers that their users are reporting suggest they're right, too, with very impressive growth being attributed in large part to use of the system. Read more...

Secure Your Donor Database

A robust database is practically a necessity for a successful nonprofit.  There are so many individual pieces of information that an organization needs to have on hand, and the database is an incredibly useful tool for storing and retrieving that information.  One single database could be used by multiple departments, allowing for the cross-referencing of materials.


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