Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Using Box for Everything

What if your organization could do everything--really everything on one platform. No more trying to open a document created in a program that isn’t supported by your organization. No more trying to collaborate with the office across the country using only email.  With Box your teams can work together on projects in the cloud. Doing everything from assigning and tracking the project to real time revisions. Box lets you do that. This cloud based platform lets you do everything your organization needs to do in one place. 


Mobile Beacon

The internet has become the one essential office tool that every organization needs. No matter what your mission or where you are located you need the internet. Even if it’s only to send and receive emails. However, a standard internet plan from your local carrier can cost your nonprofit a significant amount of money every month. If your organization is looking for ways to cut expenses, Mobile Beacon offers programs for nonprofits that allow them to access 4G LTE Internet service for a $10/mo.


Volunteer Management

If you manage your volunteers by clicking open a spreadsheet, it is time you upgraded. Whether you have 5 volunteers or 500 there are software packages that are low cost or even no cost that will let you efficiently manage you volunteers in less time then it takes you to open up that spreadsheet. Of course, not all organizations need an elaborate volunteer database, perhaps your organization rarely needs volunteers then consider using something like Sign Up Genius, Sign Up or Sign Up Zone which allow you to make simple online sign up sheets to cover everything from potlucks to who is bringing snacks for movie night. 


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