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Communicating with Volunteers

volunteerNonprofits rely on volunteers to help do everything from day-to-day office tasks to manning phone banks at a fundraising auction. The more volunteers an organization has, the better. However, it isn’t easy managing a large pool of volunteers.

Not only do you have to track individual volunteers availability, and coordinate their work schedules. There are instances when you need to be able to reach out to volunteers at the last minute to ask them to fill in for someone who isn’t able to make their shift, or you need to inform the volunteers en masse about a change to an event.  Of course, you could phone each individual volunteer but that is extremely time consuming.

The easiest way to streamline volunteer management is to use a software package designed especially to administer volunteers.

Volunteer management packages such as Volgistics and Volunteer Impact include a volunteer portal that allows the volunteer to fill out their contact information and upload their availability and even choose events that they want to work. These packages also include the ability to generate mass texts or emails that can be sent to your volunteers.

With Volgisitics has additional software that you can use to make it easy for potential volunteers to get involved with your organization. You can create an online interest form and online opportunity directory.

VolunteerHub helps you protect your organization by making it simple to collect waivers from your volunteers before they help out at an event. You can also use VolunteerHub’s onsite app and virtual kiosk to make it easy for your  volunteers to sign in at events.

Don’t forget to reward your volunteers VolunteerHub lets you create a reward program for you volunteers to boost volunteer retention.

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