Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

FastFund Online - Software Review

softwarereview-150FastFund Online by Araize is an SaaS-based application that handles a wide variety of tasks for nonprofit organizations by seamlessly integrating nonprofit accounting, fund raising (CRM,) and payroll. The FastFund Accounting module is a true nonprofit accounting system designed to handle the unique requirements of nonprofit organizations, including FASB-116 compliant reports, multiple fund tracking, program and project accounting, budgeting, and customizable financial statements.


Do Geolocation Mobile Apps Make Sense for Nonprofits?

Busy, hectic schedules may be preventing some from doing what they can to make a difference with a simple donation to help better another's life. What if you were able to donate from your mobile phone?


Orange Leap - Review

Orange Leap is a, on-demand, web-based constituent and donation management solution for nonprofits. It is designed to track individual or organizational constituents in a user interface that is easy to learn. The system has been developed to enable quick data entry, with terminology that is easy to understand- or the terminology can be changed to match that used by the nonprofit. Context-appropriate navigation significantly decreases navigation-related confusion so that what used to take four or five steps often can be done in two or less. Orange Leap is also very customizable with the ability to modify, rename, or hide any screen or field based upon business requirements.

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