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Data Analytics Made Easy: Tableau

tableauData analytics sounds complicated, but using a tool like Tableau Desktop can help your organization harness the power of its data.

Tableau  lets your organization create and share visual representations of data. No more static pie charts or hard to read graphs. Tableau’s mission is to make it easy for organizations to use their data to gain meaningful analysis.

Import your data to Tableau and use the interactive dashboard to find out who is giving, where, when and how easily. Then you can build upon that data to find ways to make your fundraising efforts more profitable.

Use the software’s tools to analyze the data and create trend analysis, regressions, and correlations. Share the data with your team across the room or across the world. With Tableau your team can work together to find opportunities to streamline the giving process or reach an untapped donor base. 

Tableau has an interactive mapping option to create interactive maps, that can include personalized regions.

Tableau has a dedicated team of expert volunteers who can help your organization get Tableau off the ground. Tableau also offers small non-profits and NGOs a way to make Tableau Desktop affordable for your organization. Contact Tableau to find out about their software donation program.
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